Sunday, November 18, 2018

Technical Terms in Stairs | Building Construction

Technical Terms in Stairs

The definitions of technical terms used in the connection with the stairs are as follows :

1) Tread :

  • The horizontal upper portion of a step is known as a tread.

2) Rise :

  • This is the vertical distance between two successive treads.

3) Riser :

  • The vertical or front member of the step, which is connected to the treads, is known as a riser.

4) Step :

  • A combination of tread & riser is known as a step.
  • Following are the common types of step:
      1. Bullnose Step
      2. Commode Step
      3. Dancing or Balancing Step
      4. Flier
      5. Round-ended Step
      6. Splayed Step
      7. Winder

5) String :

  • The inclined member of a stair which supports the ends of steps is known as a string.
  • There are two types of string:
    a)A cut or open string
    b)A closed or housed string.

6) Handrail :

  • The inclined rail over the string is known as a handrail.

7) Baluster :

  • This is the vertical member which is fixed between string & handrail to give support  to the handrail.

8) Balustrade or Barrister :

  • The combined framework of handrail & balusters is known as the balustrade or barrister.

 9) Flight :

  • This is defined as an unbroken series of steps between the landings.

10) Going :

  • This is the horizontal distance between the faces of two consecutive risers.

11 ) Headroom :

  • The vertical distance between the nosings of one flight & the bottom of flight immediately above is known as the headroom.

12) Landing :

  • The horizontal platform between two flights of a stairs is known as the landing.

13) Newel Post :

  • This is the vertical member which is placed at the ends of flights to connect the ends of strings & handrails.

14) Nosing :

  • The projecting part of the tread beyond the face of riser is known as a nosing.

15) Pitch :

  • The angle of inclination of the stair with the floor is known as a pitch.

16) Run :

  • The total length of a stair in a horizontal plane is known as the run & it includes the lengths of landings also.

17) Scotia :

  • This is an additional finish or moulding provided to the nosing or tread to improve the elevation of the step & to provide strength to the nosing.

18) Soffit :

  • The under surface of a stair is known as the soffit.

19) Waist :

  • The thickness of structural slab in case of an R.C.C. stair is known as a waist.

20) Walking Line :

  • The approximate line of movement of people on a stair during ascending or descending is known as a walking line.

To know detailed information about technical terms in staircase click on the video given below :


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Technical Terms in Arches


Technical Terms in Arches

The definitions of technical terms used in connection with the archwork (i.e Arches) are as follows.

1) Intradose :

  • This is the inner curve of arch.

2) Soffit :

  • This is the inner surface of the arch.  

3) Extrados or Back :

  • This is the external curve of an arch as shown in above image. 

4) Voussoirs :

  • These are the wedge-shaped units forming the courses of an arch.

5) Crown :

  • This is the highest point of the extrados.

6) Key :

  • This is the wedge-shaped unit at the crown of an arch.

7) Arcade :

  • This is a row of arches supporting a wall above & being supported by the piers.

8) Abutment :

  • This is the end supports of an arcade.

9) Piers :

  •  These are the intermediate supports of an arcade as shown in above image.

10) Springing Point :

  • These are the points from which the curve of an arch springs.

11 ) Springing Line :

  • This is the imaginary horizontal line joining the two springing points.

12) Skewback :

  • This is the inclined or splayed surface on the abutment.

13) Springer :

  • This is the first voussoir at springing level on either side of an arch & it is immediately adjacent to the skewback.

14) Span :

  • This is the clear horizontal distance between the supports.

15) Rise :

  • This is the clear vertical distance between the highest point on the intrados & the springing line.

16) Centre :

  • This is the geometrical centre of the curve of an arch.

17) Ring :

  • This is the circular course forming an arch. 

18) Depth or Height :

  • This is the perpendicular distance between the intrados & extrados.

19) Spandrel :

  • This is the irregular triangular space formed between the intrados & extrados.

20) Haunch :

  • This is the lower half portion of the arch between the crown & the skewback.

21) Thickness or Breadth of Soffit :

  • The horizontal distance measured perpendicular to the front & back faces of an arch is known as the thickness or breadth of soffit.

22) Impost :

The projecting course at the upper part of a pier or an abutment to stress the springing line is called the impost.
To know more information about Technical Terms in Arches click on video given below :


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Technical Terms in Brick Masonry

The definitions of various technical terms in Brick Masonry are given below :

1) Stretcher :

  • This is a brick laid with its length parallel to the face or front or direction of a wall.
  • A course containing stretchers is called a stretcher course.

2) Header :

  • This is a brick laid with its breadth or width parallel to the face or front or direction of a wall. Header is shown in above image.
  • The course containing headers is called a header course.

3) Arrises :

  • The edges formed by the intersection of plane surfaces of brick are called the arrises.

4) Bed :

  • The lower surface of the brick when laid flat is known as the bed.

5) Bed Joint :

  • The horizontal layer of mortar upon which the bricks are laid is known as a bed joint. Bed joint is shown in above image.

6) Perpends :

The vertical joints separating the bricks in either length or cross directions are known as the perpends.

7) Lap :

The horizontal distance between the vertical joints in successive courses is termed as a lap.

8) Closer :

A piece of brick which is used to close up the bond at the end of brick courses is known as a closer.

a) Queen Closer : This is obtained by cutting the brick longitudinally in two equal parts.

b)  King Closer : This is obtained by cutting a triangular portion of the brick such that half a header & half a stretcher are obtained on the adjoining cut faces.

c)  Bevelled Closer : This is obtained by cutting a triangular portion of half the width but of full length.
d)  Mitred Closer : This is obtained by cutting a triangular portion of the brick through its width & making an angle of 45º to 60º with the length of the brick.

9) Bat :

  • This is a piece of brick, usually considered in relation to the length of a brick & accordingly known as half bat or three-quarter bat.

10) Bullnose :

  •   A brick moulded with a rounded angle is termed as a bullnose & it is used for a rounded quoin.

11) Cownose :

  • A brick moulded with a double bullnose on end is termed as cownose.

12) Squint Quoin :

  • A brick which is cut or moulded such that an angle other than a right angle is formed in plan is known as a squint quoin.

13) Frog :

  • A frog is a mark of depth about 10 mm to 20 mm which is placed on the face of a brick to form a key for holding the mortar.

14) Racking Back :

  • The termination of a wall in a stepped fashion is known as the racking back.

15) Toothing :

  • The termination of a wall in such a fashion that each alternate course at the end projects is known as the toothing .

To get more details about technical terms in Brick Masonry click on the video given below :









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